The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

The Formation Of The Esoteric Section

The "critical period" preceding the formation of the "Esoteric Section" of the T.S. - H.P.B. discussed Olcott's nature in a letter to Dr. Franz Hartmann in 1886 - Olcott and others never understood either Masters or H.P.B. - Olcott sincere but "lacks in the psychological portion of his brain" - H.P.B.'s story of per difficulties - trying to aid others to perception of the facts -Olcott tells his story at length in "Old Diary Leaves" - thinks H.P.B. wise, foolish and fanatic - opposes establishment of Lucifer and of "Blavatsky Lodge" - offended at H.P.B.'s course in the Subba Row controversy - discusses H.P.B.'s nature - calls her "insulted and misunderstood Messenger" - then says she "frets and worries over mares' nests" - calls the Judge-Coues controversy a "personal quarrel" - gives his version of the storm preceding the "Esoteric Section" - calls H.P.B. a "mad person," "hyper-excited hysterical woman" - discloses that H.P.B. was prepared to leave the T.S. and form a new Society of her own if he does not reform - the Hindu "Council" frightened at H.P.B.'s stand - more trouble in the Paris Branch - Olcott makes it an excuse to go to Europe in 1888 - to "fight it out" with H.P.B. - first overrules her then rescinds his action - confirms H.P.B.'s "interference" as within her "Constitutional rights" - Olcott receives a letter on shipboard in 1888 direct from the Master - wrongly relates it in "Old Diary Leaves" to the visit in 1884 - the Master's letter a phenomenon indeed - it reproaches Olcott for his attitude and conduct towards H.P.B. - declares that it is she who is their direct agent - affirms that "with occult matters she has everything to do" - warns Olcott to attend to his own business - tells him he will have to suffer for his injustice to H.P.B. - the letter effective for the time being - Judge goes to London and the Three Founders effect a reconciliation - H.P.B. issues public notice of the Esoteric Section, accompanied by an "official authorization" from Olcott - joint note of H.P.B. and Olcott to all Theosophists - Olcott afterwards takes credit to himself for the outcome - "pacifies H.P.B."



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